Haoyu Wang
Professor, PhD Supervisor

Office: Room A401,
MingDe Building

School of Cyber Science and Engineering,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST),
Wuhan, China
Email: haoyuwang@hust.edu.cn

Google Scholar

I am a Full Professor in the School of Cyber Science and Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Before joining HUST in January 2022, I was an Associate Professor (BUPT "1551 Young Talent Plan") in the School of Computer Science at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from Peking University in 2016. I was a Visiting PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon University (2014-2015) and a Visiting Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2019).

I am leading the SECURITY PRIDE Research Group (Security, Privacy, and Dependability in Emerging Software Systems). My research covers a wide range of topics in Software Analysis, Privacy and Security, eCrime, Internet/System Measurement, and AI Security.

My recent research projects are mainly focused on:
1) Security, privacy and underground market of the mobile app ecosystem
2) Web3/Blockchain Security
3) AI + Program Analysis, LLM Security

I have published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, including 104 full papers published in top-tier venues (91 CCF-A Papers, and 84 CSRankings Papers). My research usually targets top-tier Software Engineering Venues (ICSE/FSE/ASE/ISSTA), Security Venues (CCS/NDSS/Oakland/USENIXSec), Web and Measurement Venues (WWW/IMC/SIGMETRICS). I have been awarded six best/distinguished paper awards, including WWW 2020 Best Student Paper Award (the first award from China), ACM OOPSLA 2020 Distinguished Paper Award, and ISSTA 2023 Distinguished Paper Award.

My group has released a number of tools and datasets, including BREWasm, LibRadar (LibRadar++), WuKong, CHAMP, and RMVDroid, etc. They have been widely used by the research community and the industry. My research has been covered by over 20 media outlets all around the world, including CoinDesk, Yahoo Finance, Coin Geek, Publish0x, nasdaq.com, Cryptonews CoinGenius, etc.

I'm always looking for highly motivated Postdocs, PhD/master students, visiting students, and undergraduate interns (RAs) to work in my team. Hard work always pays off!

Recent Services

Editorial Service

Associate Editor: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), 2024~

Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member

2024: CCS, IMC, FSE, ASE, ASE NIER, ISSTA, WWW (Area Chair), PETs/PoPETs

Selected Recent Publications (Full List)

    Web3/Blockchain Security

  • All Your Tokens are Belong to Us: Demystifying Address Verification Vulnerabilities in Solidity Smart Contracts
    Tianle Sun(s), Ningyu He(s), Jiang Xiao, Yinliang Yue, Xiapu Luo, and Haoyu Wang*
    USENIX Security 2024 PDF

  • Miracle or Mirage? A Measurement Study of NFT Rug Pulls
    Jintao Huang(s), Ningyu He(s), Kai Ma(s), Jiang Xiao, Haoyu Wang*

  • Abusing the Ethereum Smart Contract Verification Services for Fun and Profit
    Pengxiang Ma(s)#, Ningyu He(s)#, Yuhua Huang, Haoyu Wang*, Xiapu Luo
    NDSS 2024 PDF

  • Mobile Security, Mobile App Ecosystem Analysis

  • Born with a Silver Spoon: On the (In)Security of Native Granted App Privileges in Custom Android ROMs
    Chao Wang(s)#, Yanjie Zhao(s)#, Jiapeng Deng(s), and Haoyu Wang*
    The 46th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland'25) PDF

  • NativeSummary: Summarizing Native Binary Code for Inter-language Static Analysis of Android Apps
    Jikai Wang(s), Haoyu Wang*
    ISSTA 2024 PDF

  • Exploring Covert Third-party Identifiers through External Storage in the Android New Era
    Zikan Dong(s)#, Tianming Liu(s)#, Jiapeng Deng(s), Haoyu Wang*, Li Li, Minghui Yang, Meng Wang, Guosheng Xu, Guoai Xu
    USENIX Security 2024 PDF

  • AI Security, AI + Program Analysis

  • Large language models for software engineering: A systematic literature review
    Xinyi Hou(s)#, Yanjie Zhao(s)#, Yue Liu, Zhou Yang, Kailong Wang, Li Li, Xiapu Luo, David Lo, John Grundy, Haoyu Wang*
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) PDF

  • WaDec: Decompiling WebAssembly Using Large Language Model
    Xinyu She(s)#, Yanjie Zhao(s)#, and Haoyu Wang*
    ASE 2024 PDF

  • DeepWukong: Statically Detecting Software Vulnerabilities using Deep Graph Neural Network
    Xiao Cheng(s),Haoyu Wang*, Jiayi Hua(s), Guoai Xu and Yulei Sui.
    Proceedings of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) PDF